
Monday, March 11, 2013


Sea 1971 Eduard Tomek
I felt skinny when I woke up but it was a lie. I restricted pretty well yesterday (considering it's a Sunday when I tend to binge). Plus I worked out yesterday, running about 5 miles and a half hour or so of lifting.

The scale told me I'm up 2.4 lbs from the last time I weighed myself? WHAT? Like.... why.... I don't understand. I really don't. I ate rather poorly Friday and Saturday but didn't binge. Saturday I bartended from 5 until 3 am, and it was crazy busy so I was active the whole time. And now I want to cry, I hate the power The Numbers have and the power I allow them to take from me. It's morning and I already want to go back to sleep. I'm also upset I felt thin when I awoke and had a positive feeling about the potential of The Numbers and it was all a lie.

Hope your day is going better than mine xo


  1. Hey, are you making sure you stay hydrated? A girl in my dorm told me when I was freaking out that weight varies every few days because of water weight and that it's important to keep a steady stream of it going in because fluid pushes fluid. Thought that might help?
    Smile lovely.

  2. It could be water weight like Eve said! If you need to know ASAP then take a diuretic or drink a bunch of coffee and if you pee a bunch and you lose a bunch then you are carrying water weight and again like Eve said need to drink more water to lose it. <3

  3. I agree with Eve and Karina, it's probably water weight love so try not to worry! You know how doctors always say, 'when you starve your body of food, your metabolism plumets and then high fat meals stick to your body more because it tries to retain as much as possible since it's unsure of when it will be fed again'... Same thing goes for water! If you don't drink enough, your body retains water because you need water to survive. Only way to get rid of it is to hydrate!
    I heard this on Dr. Oz: "The Solution, to Pollution, is Dilution" The more water you drink, the more you push out of you!

    I read your previous post about continuing The War and I laughed pretty hard, what an accurate way to describe this journey we are all on!!
    love always,
    loveylou xo

  4. It's not just magical water. Yes, water pushes water, so water will flush water out of your system. But have you increased your exercising? Your muscle's main fuel source is glucose and in order to have some handy, it converts what it can to a storage form called glycogen to be used when your body's blood glucose levels are low. When you increase the amount you exercise, you increase your body's ability to store glycogen because it realizes it needs to do more work and needs to have proper food stored to handle it.
    For every gram of glycogen you store, it brings 2 grams of water with it. So, say you increase your glycogen stores by 100 grams, you will effectively be storing an extra 300 grams of weight. And the trained muscle can store a lot of glycogen. This is one of the main reasons people work out, drop a lot of weight and then gain it all back if they eat anything. They worked out, drained their blood glucose, then burned off their stored glycogen (and the water it takes with it) and probably burned off some fat too. Then, as soon as you eat anything, it converts all of that glucose you consumed into glycogen, stores it in your muscles (and liver, that stores a lot of glycogen too) and stores all of that water with it.
    Now, this by no means implies to not eat after you work out. If you don't eat at all, your muscles will continue to break down until you do eat (to turn your body's protein into glucose) and you don't want to do that because MUSCLE IS A MAJOR FAT BURNER. You don't want to lose it.

    But I know, it still sucks to see the numbers. Hang in there.
