
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Counting bites

Soooo... this is a big deal for me! First work outside the Midwest. Sooo.... I can't screw this up by being fat. Soooooo... today I'm not eating. Knowing how little control I have I'll probably give in at work, but I'm going to count and record every. single. bite. Today is the perfect day to fast because I'm extremely busy and I'm not working out.

Black Guy lol <3 asked me to hang out again this weekend. Date three yay :) Haven't talked to A since last Sunday so I think it's safe to say we're donezo. He has my favorite movies at his place, including Mulan and Legally Blonde. I'll have to awkwardly pick them up some time I suppose.

I have about three weeks to get unfat. Time to fully embrace The Scale, measuring cups, and caffeine. 



  1. Replies
    1. Right?! I'm blessed. Can't screw it up!

  2. Wow, that's huge! Good luck girly, I'm sure you'll look fabulous regardless.

  3. Amazing! you said hell yes for sure right?!
    Be safe, lots of love xx
