
Monday, October 15, 2012

Broken Immune System

Such a rough weekend. This is the third (or fourth...?) weekend in a row I've gotten sick. Too sick to go out with my friends, too sick to look decent for work, and too sick to do homework. I sleep all day long, shuffle around my apartment and eat for 6 hours or so in between naps, and then sleep all night. I'm assuming it's from restricting all week, and my body collapsing when the weekend comes. But it's exhausting and it's really messing me up. My life is a disaster right now because I did NOTHING all weekend. My immune system is broken :(

Don't wanna see the scale. Going to eat lettuce and lemon juice and tea only today. Wednesday I see my primary care doctor and if I'm down from 117 she said I can't play volleyball anymore, and she's going to try to increase my calories even more. I can't even handle it right now. So basically I need to be between 117 and 120 in order to satisfy the doctor while keeping myself from going insane. 

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